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HVFAA Horizontal Vertical Camera

$0 USD
  • The Horizontal/Vertical HVFAA camera provides maximum accuracy for determining the flammability of aircraft cabin and cargo compartment materials, liners and materials in electrical material compartment
    High chamber volume prevents oxygen depletion during testing
    3 digital stopwatches with remote control make time trial accurate and convenient
    To ensure test accuracy and repeatability, an optional flame burner temperature checker is available.
    The HVFAA is the optimal instrument for repeatable flammability testing for FAA.

    Features :
    ◦Designed for use in testing in accordance with FAA's Aircraft ◦Material Fire Test Handbook DOT/ FAA/AR-00/12, Chapters 1.0 - 4.0 (FAR 25.853, 25.855, 25.1359)
    ◦High volume flammability chamber (>0.5m3)
    ◦Vertical, Horizontal, 45 degrees and 60 degrees for test set
    ◦Manual sliding doors for access to the chamber
    ◦Gas regulation system
    ◦Precision needle calibrated gas flow meter by valve adjustment
    ◦ASTM D5025 burner with remote positioning
    ◦Digital stopwatches for control
    ◦Tempered glass sliding window
    ◦Interior inspection light
    ◦Flame height measurement.