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Standard balanced beam adhesion and scratch mark tester with infinite adjustment up to 1.0"

$4,294.50 USD

  • New, expanded design with Hoffman-style stylus and new "Dime Scratch" adapter.

    Exceeds the requirements of ASTM D2197 Standard Test Method for Scratch Bond Adhesion of Organic Coatings.
    Meets ASTM D5178 standard test method for deterioration resistance of organic coatings
    Complies with aircraft engine group specification 50TF61-S1.
    Meets Naval Laboratory Specification WS 12858, Part 4.5.5 Hardness.

    The most widely used instrument to evaluate the scratch adhesion and scratch resistance of coatings is the balanced beam scratch adhesion and wear tester. It was originally developed at Bell Telephone Laboratories. It has now been completely redesigned to make it an even more useful instrument.

    The geometry of the original design has been preserved as shown in the diagram. The needle is held at 45 degrees from vertical and the top is tilted in the direction of travel of the test specimen. The needle is held in place by a 22 degree raised fulcrum.

    The expanded design includes a side table, which when in place, accommodates a test panel thickness range of up to 1.0" with the loop or needle stylus. When removed, this thickness increases by 1.0" at 1,187 or with the Hoffman stylus installed. up to 0.125".

    Needle load can vary from 0 to 10,500 grams in main steps of 500 grams which can be subdivided into steps of 50 grams. This is accomplished with just two 500-gram dumbbells and one 50-gram dumbbell that can be inserted in different combinations into any of the ten numbered receiving holes on the weight bar. (The needle should not be loaded more than 5250 grams.)

    Both the loop and the stylus are one inch long and extend 0.36 inches from the holding device. They are manufactured from 1/16 inch tool steel, heat treated to a hardness of Rockwell C 55 - 61. The loop needle has an outside radius of 0.128 inch. The needle has a 1 mm diameter tip. Both the loop needle and the needle are flash chrome plated with a plating thickness of 0.0001 inch to 0.0003 inch. The surface finish is 8RMS. The hardened stainless steel contact arc of the Hoffman needle is 0.275 inches in diameter and extends 0.50 inches from the clamping device for proper placement on the test surface.

    It is not possible to rotate the loop needle out of symmetry as both mounting arms are held separately and rigidly by the clamping device.

    The distance and angle from the beam support point to the contact of the needle with the test surface are fixed and are the same for each type of needle.

    The barbell and needle assembly can be easily locked in an elevated position to prevent any movement, whether up or down. The beam counterweight is factory adjusted and no further adjustment is necessary when using the needle or loop stylus.

    The support for the test panel is a floating table that is supported by just three steel balls that provide the least possible friction against the heaviest possible load.

    The floating table for the test panel is 12 inches long. Any portion of this length can be placed under the pencil, except one-half inch from each end.

    The stylus has a 2-inch overhang, allowing testing up to this distance from the edge of the panel.

    The unit is constructed of brushed aluminum except for the weights, fulcrum, locking pin, and stylus. All weights are machined from stainless steel.

    Beam weights are stored directly in the unit when not used on the beam.

    A small base just 6 x 16 inches requires less than a square foot of workspace.