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uPts3 Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

$0 USD
SKU EXP0450028

  • The PELT-uPts3 is a multi-layer thickness gauge with high performance characteristics.
    This portable meter uses ultrasonic technology capable of picosecond resolution.
    The precision and accuracy results are unparalleled.
    Non-destructive thickness measurement on any type of substrate (Steel, Aluminum, SMC, Plastics, Carbon Fiber, Wood, Glass, etc.)

    ◦Instantly measures up to 3 layers simultaneously
    ◦Reporting individual or total layer thickness
    ◦Direct measurement
    ◦No destruction
    ◦Measures most coatings from metallic compounds to floating paint

    ◦Measurement method: ultrasonic contact (ASTM E797-95)
    ◦Copulant medium
    ◦Depends on the application
    ◦Usually water Maximum layers: 3
    ◦Accuracy: +/- 1.3 microns (+/- 0.05 mils) or +/-2% of coating thickness, whichever is better.
    ◦Resolution: 1 micron (0.001 mm, 0.04 mils)

    Minimum layer thickness:
    ◦Middle coatings: 10 microns (0.010 mm, 0.4 mils) ◦Single coatings: 15 microns (0.015 mm, 0.6 mils) ◦Top coating: 25 microns (0.025 mm, 1.0 mils)

    Maximum thickness (total coverage):
    ◦Standard transducer: 2 mm (0.08 in)
    ◦Optional transducer: 10 mm (0.40 in)

    Measurement units:
    ◦Selectable metric (microns) / English (mils)
    ◦Repeatability and Reproducibility (%R & R) < 10% for solvents

    Minimum curvature and radius:
    ◦Convex surface: >50.8 mm (2.0") radius
    ◦Concave surface >153.4 mm (6.0") radius
    ◦Power: Rechargeable 3.6V lithium battery (2 included), 8 hours of use with one battery (3 hours of recharge).
    ◦External adapter 100-240V; 50/60Hz (adapter included).
    ◦Dimensions: 175 mm x 150 mm x 55 mm (6.9" x 5.9" x 2.2")

    ◦2 batteries
    ◦Battery charger
    ◦External power supply
    ◦2 transducer cables
    ◦4 transducer caps
    ◦Certified calibration shim
    ◦Certification of equipment, spray, glycerin, mylar shims