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British Standard (100cc) Weight Per Gallon Cup with Lid

$233.00 USD
SKU EXUP0060223

  • Characteristics:

    • Meets ASTM test methods
    • Qualify per ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 as applicable
    • Meets ISO 9000 when ordered with calibration certification
    • 300 stainless steel
    • All surfaces are produced with a surface finish greater than 32 RMS.
    • Inside corners are rounded to a radius of not less than 0.188".
    • The volume tolerance is within ±0.5% of the correct theoretical value.
    • Volume certification qualifying to ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, where applicable, and ISO/IEC 17025 is available.
    • Tare weights are Series 300 stainless steel, set to within 0.2 grams of the glass weight and sized for air cushioning when dropped into the glass for storage.
    Technical data

    US standard weight per gallon Mini weight per gallon British standard weight per gallon Tarelite weight per gallon
    british standard US Standard 50cc
    Ability: Holds 83.205 grams of water at 77.0°F (25.0°C) Holds 8.3205 grams of water at 77.0°F (25.0°C) 100 cc holds 99.705 grams of water at 77.0°F (25.0°C) 100cc 83.2 50cc
    Weight: Glass with Lid, approximately 130 grams Glass with Lid, approximately 56 grams Glass with Lid, approximately 143 grams 44g 47g 31g
    Accuracy: ±0.5% ±1.2% ±0.5% ±1% ±1% ±2%
    Pounds per US gallon = Weight in grams of contents of US standard cup x 0.1000 Weight in grams of the contents of the mini cup - Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.10000
    Specific gravity = Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.01202 Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 01202 Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.01001 Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.01001 Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.01202 Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.02
    Pounds per British gallon (imperial) = - - Weight in grams of the contents of the British standard cup x 0.1 Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.1000 - Weight in grams of the contents of the cup x 0.2
    Grams per liter = - - - Content weight (in grams) x 10 - Content weight (in grams) x 20
    Kilograms per Liter = - - - Weight of contents (in grams) ÷ 100 - Weight of contents (in grams) ÷ 50
    Measurements are typically made at a temperature of 77.0°F (25.0°C)