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Wheel Traffic Paint Drying Time

$730.00 USD
SKU EXUP0060002
  • Traffic Paint Drying Time Wheel, complete with two O-rings and ramp.
    This test method covers a laboratory test to estimate (after application of traffic or pavement marking paint) the drying period required for an automobile tire to not pick up.

    The apparatus consists of a cylinder with two 3/8" cross-section diameter O-rings made of synthetic rubber that meets the requirements of specification D2000 of HK 715. The rings will retain their flexibility indefinitely. Total weight of the tester , including the "O" rings is 11 pounds 14 ounces (±1 oz) (5386 g, ±28 g), which is equivalent to a tire pressure of 100 pounds per square inch on the pavement. The rolling ramp provided is. Made of aluminum with a 1:6 slope measures 6" long, 3-1/2" wide and 1" tall at the slotted top end.

    On a glass plate of the type required in the specification against the ramp. At regular intervals, remove the wheel from the ramp and rotate it freely down the slope on the paint film. Position the panel for each pass so that a clean surface contacts the rings. Clean the wheel with solvent at intervals. Please note the point that there is no pick up time. See ASTM D711 for more details.

    The end-to-end spliced ​​rings are easily replaced by simply rolling along the cylinder until they sit in the grooves.