Zahn Cup series S90 No. 1
The S90 Zahn Dip Viscosity Cup is an improved version of the Zahn Signature Series Viscosity Cup. This is an all-stainless steel calibrated viscosity cup that meets the requirements for ANSI/NCSL Z540 or ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001 certification . Without certificate
- The conversion formulas and tables relating flow cup efflux time in seconds to viscosity in centistokes are identical for both series of viscosity cups.
- S90 Zahn cups are calibrated with standard "G" series oils traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
- Canon "G" series calibration (standard) oils are produced in accordance with ISO 9002.
- NOTE: The efflux time of these viscosity cups does not meet ASTM specifications. Tables are available to convert the S90 Zahn Cup efflux time to the EZ™ Zahn Cup efflux time that meets ASTM D4212.
- Viscosity cup flow characteristics are defined by a mathematical formula and Canon Calibration "G" series standard oils.
- A conversion table relating the cup efflux time to the nearest tenth of a second to the viscosity in centistokes is supplied with each S90 Zahn dip cup.
- S90 Zahn Viscosity Cups, with the above advantages, cannot be confused with other less defined cups, as they are produced, calibrated and sold only by Paul N. Gardner Company and authorized distributors.
- Ransom & Randolph recommends S90 Zahn Viscosity Cups as the most reliable viscosity cups for measuring and controlling the consistency of ceramic shell slurries.
- S90 Zahn Dip Cups do not meet ASTM specification D4212. Not all S90 Zahn cups deviate from the norm to the same extent: the range ranges from almost conformity to a deviation of more than a factor of two. Manufacturing procedures include calibration with oils traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Certification in accordance with ANSI/NCSL Z540 or ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, as applicable, is available from our Gardco Service Department. Charts are available that convert between S90 Zahn Signature and EZ™ cups of the same number, to the nearest tenth of a second, to assist those who need to work with both established standards.
Cup number Seconds range Centistoke range Effluvium time Seconds "T" of Centistokes "V" Calibration oil number 1 31 to 60 15 to 78
T = (V + √ (V2 + 6805)) ÷ 3.18 V = 1.59T - 1070 ÷ T
2 19 to 60
39 to 238
T = (V + √ (V2 +12707) ) ÷ 8.36
V = 4.18T - 760 ÷ T
3 11 to 60
63 to 604
T = (V + √ (V2 + 23529)) ÷ 20.46
V = 10.23T - 575 ÷ T
4 10 to 60
97 to 899
T = (V + √ (V2 + 32983)) ÷ 30.26
V = 15.13T - 545 ÷ T
5 10 to 60
219 to 1627
T = (V + √ (V2 + 58903)) ÷ 54.54
V = 27.27T - 540 ÷ T