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Rubber Coated Stainless Steel, 4 1/2 lb. Roller (80 A ± 5 Scale)

$439.00 USD
SKU EXUP0060451
  • Rubber coated stainless steel, 4 1/2 lb. Roller, 80 A ±5 scale (Certificate not included, add item 107412591 for certification).

    This method covers a suitable procedure for establishing the acceptability of interlayer and surface adhesion of a water-immersed organic coating system. The procedure can be used as a production test.

    4-1/2 pound rubber covered roller that has a surface durometer hardness value within the range of 70 to 80. The roller is approximately 3-1/2" in diameter and 1-3/4" wide. It is made of steel and has two plastic handles.

    Instructions for use

    Apply the coating system to the substrate and allow to dry as specified in the product specification. Immerse the test sample in distilled water for 24 hours. Remove the test sample from the water and dry it with a soft cloth. Within 1 minute of removing it from the water, make two parallel scratches, about an inch apart, across the coating to the metal with a stylus.

    See Scriber below.) Immediately apply a 1" wide strip of the masking tape sticky side down across the scratches. Press the tape against the coating surface by rolling the roller across the tape eight times. Remove the tape with a Move quickly and examine for damage to the intercoat or surface adhesion. Store the roller using the supplied acrylic ring holder, this prevents the rubber mat from being crushed.